Tuesday, July 31, 2007


T-4 days until Matt returns from Fargo!

Matt left 7/19 to visit his brother Bill in Indianapolis for a couple days, then start his new consulting assignment in Fargo. He's flying back 8/3, then we're headed for the shore for a few days...then comes the big road trip back to Fargo!

The kids and I have managed to get through the last couple weekends without anyone melting down too much. Thanks to my inlaws for keeping us occupied! Dinner at Bob's and Pat's...going to the park and pool at Karen's...spending the day at Jean's in her pool and watching the hot air balloon festival...it would have been two very long weeks otherwise.

As it turned out, I won't be telecommuting after all. The company has never allowed anyone to telecommute, and they decided I wouldn't be the first. So, I'm taking a leave of absense. I've decided to study for my next exam, which is in November. We already have day care arrangements in place...this may be the only way I can pass with kids! I'll probably spend less time studying than I would have spent working, so I'll be able to spend more time with the kids. My job will be waiting for me when I return. The money would have been nice, but this will probably work out for the best.

Up next...the beach and the road trip!

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