Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's official!

In approximately 4 weeks, we'll all be in Fargo, ND!

I'm about as surprised as anyone. If someone had told me a week and a half ago that we would be living in Fargo for 3 months, I wouldn't have believed it. We have been fortunate that, as consultants, we have been able to work locally (for the most part) as long as Matt and I have known each other. Traveling for work before might have meant Matt being gone during the week and home on weekends for a month or two, and he hasn't had to do that for a couple years.

Like anyone else, we have to go where the jobs are. It defies logic that, in a metro area as large as NYC, the opportunities in Matt's field are just not here, but at the moment that's the way it is. After looking locally for his next assignment for a couple months, we decided to put our chips on the table and open up the job search. We decided that, if the right position came along, we could all go out together: the weather is nice, the kids aren't old enough to have to deal with school schedules, etc. The work I do requires very little face-to-face contact, so I can work from almost anywhere.

Within a couple weeks, the opportunities from other locations started coming in. We chose Fargo because, believe it or not, it was the most "exotic" place.

So, for the past several days, we have been making's amazing how quickly things have been coming together. We have a place to stay, and I have a good lead on a sitter for the kids while I'm working. It's still going to be a busy few weeks until we're there...Matt leaves later this week to start his position, so I will have my hands full with the kids, tying up some loose ends at my job, packing for the trip, etc.

My hope is that this blog will be a good way to keep our families updated on our "adventure". My goal is to post at least once a week. So, I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Karen said...


The blog looks good. It will be fun reading about your adventure. Just for your information, I was able to use my AOL email address to register.